



Searching for symbols is a common in programming, especially when you are new to a language. For example, I had a question about the :: operator in Python, and that is not searchable. People looking for things like this or Object [] (array of Objects), would not find what they want.

Why do search engines seem to ignore symbols completely? They are just characters like any others. I can see why it would be hard to extract semantics from symbols compared to words (eg: a search engine can figure out that "find," "finds," "found" are all related, if not the same word), but is it really that hard to search for them?

I can also see why in everyday use you'd want symbols to be ignored, but how hard would it be to make it look for something explicitly (eg: "::" would search for ::)

+1  A: 

Check out this article on Interpreting Google Search Queries.

Specifically, section 9

Google ignores some punctuation and special characters, including ! ?

, . ; [ ] @ / # < > .

Because punctuation is typically not as important as the text around it, Google ignores most punctuation in your search terms. There are exceptions, e.g., C++ and $99. Mathematical symbols, such as /, <, and >, are not ignored by Google's calculator.

[ Dr. Ruth ] returns the same results as [ Dr Ruth ]

What if you're seeking information that includes punctuation that Google ignores, e.g., an email address? Just enter the whole thing including the punctuation.

* [ [email protected] ]

Be aware that web pages sometimes camouflage email addresses to make collecting such information difficult for spammers. For example, on some sites you'll find the @ sign in an email address replaced with the word “at.”

Now we'll look at some special characters that Google doesn't ignore.

Robert Greiner

To minimize the number of entries in the index.

A search engine doesn't have to ignore them though. For example, it seems Google Code doesn't.


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