Hi, I have few very simple question. I searched a web for them, but I found different answers so I just want to know which to follow.
So, first, I believe WinMain is NOT C or C++ standart, but is only added by Microsoft to determine when to load different CRT startup code, am I right?
And second, is WinMain called by OS, in a way of lets say similiar to dynamic linking, or is it just program startup point like main?
Why I ask? I mainly used C for programming MCUs. I am more HW oriented than SW, so I like MCUs, I find them and programming for them more "clear".
But when I started to get interested about C language itself and its standart, I found that its very hard. I mean, for example, on MCU, you need no int return type of main, as well as in win32 app you need different startup code than pure main has.
So, I like C but I find its standart to be somehow old. Thanks.