Here's my function:
static Map AddFormation(Map _map, Tile tile, int x, int y, int length,
Random rand, Tile endTile = (Tile)Int32.MaxValue)
//so a call to AddFormation without the endTile will work, if I don't want a border.
if ((int)endTile == Int32.MaxValue) endTile = tile;
if (x >= 0 && x < _map.Data.GetLength(0) && y >= 0 && y < _map.Data.GetLength(1))
if (_map.Data[x, y].Tile != tile)
if (length > 0)
_map.Data[x, y].Tile = tile;
int newlength = length - 1;
AddFormation(_map, tile, x, y - 1, newlength, rand, endTile); // ^
AddFormation(_map, tile, x, y + 1, newlength, rand, endTile); // v
AddFormation(_map, tile, x - 1, y, newlength, rand, endTile); // <-
AddFormation(_map, tile, x + 1, y, newlength, rand, endTile); // ->
_map.Data[x, y].Tile = endTile;
return _map;
I have a Tile enum which is to make my life easier when working with the tiles. I have a Cell class which contains a Tile enum called "Tile" and other info (unimportant to this) The Map class contains a Cell[,] group called Data.
What I am trying to achieve is to create a block of the specific tile at a specific point, I will later incorporate Randomisation into this (so it wouldn't be just a diamond) but I took it out to see if that was the cause of my issue.
The problem is a call to this function always produces blocks taller than they are wide and I can't for the life of me see why..
I created a test function to see what happens if I use something like:
public static int[,] Add(int[,] grid, int x, int y, int length, int value)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < grid.GetLength(0) && y < grid.GetLength(1))
if(grid[x,y] != value)
if(length > 0)
grid[x, y] = value;
Add(grid, x - 1, y, length - 1, value);
Add(grid, x + 1, y, length - 1, value);
Add(grid, x, y - 1, length - 1, value);
Add(grid, x, y + 1, length - 1, value);
return grid;
Which seems to suffer from the same problem if you go big enough (5 produces a perfect diamond, 6 produces a strange shape and something like 11 even stranger)