I have a C++/Qt/mingw app and would like to use msi.h (Microsoft Installer interface), but mingw does not seem to provide this header. How can I do this?
The MinGW(.org) project does not supply this header, but I do know the mingw-w64 project does. I don't know how complete it is, but you can try and seefor yourself:
website: http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net (win 32 or 64 downloads -> personal builds -> sezero has good ones. naming scheme:
AA: 32 or 64: produces 32 or 64-bit binaries
BBBB: this compiler runs on 32-bit (i686) or 64-bit (x86_64) Windows
CCCCC: this compiler is built for mingw=windows, linux=well, linux :) )
Set up your PATH to the mingw64/bin directory in the unpacked archive.
TDM, who brought you a very good mingw.org compiler/toolchain, also supplies mingw-w64 toolchains in the form of TDM64-GCC: http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download with an installer
If msi.h is incomplete, please ask for help on mingw-w64-public@lists.sourceforge.net. It's a very friendly community and will try to help you (fast) if they can!
I hope this helps.