




I need to randomly 'sort' a list of integers (0-1999) in the most efficient way possible. Any ideas?

Currently, I am doing something like this:

bool[] bIndexSet = new bool[iItemCount];

for (int iCurIndex = 0; iCurIndex < iItemCount; iCurIndex++)
    int iSwapIndex = random.Next(iItemCount);
    if (!bIndexSet[iSwapIndex] && iSwapIndex != iCurIndex)
        int iTemp = values[iSwapIndex];
        values[iSwapIndex] = values[iCurIndex];
        values[iCurIndex] = values[iSwapIndex];
        bIndexSet[iCurIndex] = true;
        bIndexSet[iSwapIndex] = true;
+23  A: 

A good linear-time shuffling algorithm is the Fisher-Yates shuffle.

One problem you'll find with your proposed algorithm is that as you near the end of the shuffle, your loop will spend a lot of time looking for randomly chosen elements that have not yet been swapped. This may take an indeterminate amount of time once it gets to the last element to swap.

Also, it looks like your algorithm will never terminate if there are an odd number of elements to sort.

Greg Hewgill
Unless the algorithm has been edited since your answer, there will be no slow down near the end of the shuffle. iCurIndex is never assigned to other then in the for statement. What will happen however is that there will likely be a number of unsorted elements whenever iCurIndex == iSwapIndex.
+2  A: 

To improve your efficiency you can keep a set of values/indices that have been swapped rather than a boolean for indicating they were swapped. Pick your randomized swap index from the remaining pool. When the pool is 0, or when you made it through the initial list then you are done. You don't have the potential to try to select a random swap index value.

When you do a swap, just remove them from the pool.

For the size of data you are looking at it is no big deal.

+2  A: 

I am not sure of the efficiency factor, but I have used something similar to the following, if you aren't opposed to using an ArrayList:

private ArrayList ShuffleArrayList(ArrayList source)
    ArrayList sortedList = new ArrayList();
    Random generator = new Random();

    while (source.Count > 0)
        int position = generator.Next(source.Count);

    return sortedList;

Using this, you do not have to worry about the intermediate swapping.

Array.RemoveAt is an O(n) operation, and each iteration of your loop decreases the size of the source array by 1. This makes your functions complexity is equivalent to the Summation of n from array.count to 0, or O((n^2+n)/2). It works, but its not very efficient.

As Greg pointed out the Fisher-Yates shuffle would be the best approach. Here is an implementation of the algorithm from Wikipedia:

public static void shuffle (int[] array)
   Random rng = new Random();   // i.e., java.util.Random.
   int n = array.length;        // The number of items left to shuffle (loop invariant).
   while (n > 1)
      int k = rng.nextInt(n);  // 0 <= k < n.
      n--;                     // n is now the last pertinent index;
      int temp = array[n];     // swap array[n] with array[k] (does nothing if k == n).
      array[k] = temp;
      array[n] = array[k];

The implementation above relies on Random.nextInt(int) providing sufficiently random and unbiased results


Wouldn't something like this work?

var list = new[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
var random = new Random();
Yes, but it wouldn't be efficient for large lists -- sorting is O(n log n), where Fisher Yates is Linear.
int[] or IEnumerable doesn't have a sort method, only List<T>
+8  A: 

A generic implimentation of the Fisher-Yates shuffle:

public static T[] RandomPermutation<T>(T[] array)
    T[] retArray = new T[array.Length];
    array.CopyTo(retArray, 0);

    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 1)
        int swapIndex = random.Next(i, array.Length);
        if (swapIndex != i)
            T temp = retArray[i];
            retArray[i] = retArray[swapIndex];
            retArray[swapIndex] = temp;

    return retArray;

I have made it return a new array as I don't much like the idea of modifying the in paramater, but you can change it to do that if you want.

How would the above be called if I had an arraylist with just strings in it?
Matthew Lock
+2  A: 

We can make an extension method out of this to get a Random enumerator for any IList collection

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IList<int> l = new List<int>();

        foreach (var i in l.AsRandom())


public static class MyExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<T> AsRandom<T>(this IList<T> list)
        int[] indexes = Enumerable.Range(0, list.Count).ToArray();
        Random generator = new Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
            int position = generator.Next(i, list.Count);

            yield return list[indexes[position]];

            indexes[position] = indexes[i];

This uses a reverse Fisher-Yates shuffle on the indexes of the list we want to randomly enumerate through. Its a bit of a size hog (allocating 4*list.Count bytes), but runs in O(n).


I like your answer Micah, but you need to swap the 2nd and 3rd lines in your swap, so it reads:

int temp = array[n];     // swap array[n] with array[k] (does nothing if k == n).
array[n] = array[k];
array[k] = temp;
+1  A: 

I made a method using a temporary Hashtable, allowing the Hashtable's natural key sort to randomize. Simply add, read and discard.

int min = 1;
int max = 100;
Random random;
Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
for (int x = min; x <= max; x++)
    random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + x);
    hash.Add(random.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue), x);
foreach (int key in hash.Keys)
    HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<br/>" + hash[key] + "::" + key);
hash.Clear(); // cleanup
Jim Conte

I guess the last two lines must be interchanged in Micah's answer. So, the code might look like

 public static void shuffle(int[] array) {
        Random rng = new Random();   // i.e., java.util.Random.
        int n = array.Length;        // The number of items left to shuffle (loop invariant).
        while (n > 1) {
            int k = rng.Next(n);  // 0 <= k < n.
            n--;                     // n is now the last pertinent index;
            int temp = array[n];     // swap array[n] with array[k] (does nothing if k == n).
            array[n] = array[k];
            array[k] = temp;
