




I am trying to get a grip around the packing and unpacking of binary data in Python 3. Its actually not that hard to understand, except one problem:

what if I have a variable length textstring and want to pack and unpack this in the most elegant manner?

As far as I can tell from the manual I can only unpack fixed size strings directly? In that case, are there any elegant way of getting around this limitation without padding lots and lots of unnecessary zeroes?


The struct module does only support fixed-length structures. For variable-length strings, your options are either:

  • Dynamically construct your format string: struct.pack("I%ds" % (len(s),), len(s), s)
  • Skip struct and just use normal string methods to add the string to your pack()-ed output: struct.pack("I", len(s)) + s

For unpacking, you just have to unpack a bit at a time:

(i,), data = struct.unpack("I", data[:4]), data[4:]
s, data = data[:i], data[i:]

If you're doing a lot of this, you can always add a helper function which uses calcsize to do the string slicing:

def unpack_helper(fmt, data):
    size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
    return struct.unpack(fmt, data[:size]), data[size:]
if adding the length/charcount to the binary data, how would you unpack it?