




Lets assume we have the following array

var arr = new string[] {"foo","bar","jar","\r","a","b,"c","\r","x","y","z","\r");

Also ignore the fact that this is strings, so no string hack solutions please.

I want to group these elements by each "\r" in the sequence. That is, I want one array/enumerable with "foo","bar","jar" and another with "a","b","c" etc.

Is there anything in the ienumerable extensions that will let me do this or will I have to roll my own group by method here?

+3  A: 

I wrote an extension method for this purpose which works on any IEnumerable<T>.

/// <summary>
/// Splits the specified IEnumerable at every element that satisfies a
/// specified predicate and returns a collection containing each sequence
/// of elements in between each pair of such elements. The elements
/// satisfying the predicate are not included.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="splitWhat">The collection to be split.</param>
/// <param name="splitWhere">A predicate that determines which elements
/// constitute the separators.</param>
/// <returns>A collection containing the individual pieces taken from the
/// original collection.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Split<T>(
        this IEnumerable<T> splitWhat, Func<T, bool> splitWhere)
    if (splitWhat == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("splitWhat");
    if (splitWhere == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("splitWhere");
    return splitIterator(splitWhat, splitWhere);
private static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> splitIterator<T>(
        IEnumerable<T> splitWhat, Func<T, bool> splitWhere)
    int prevIndex = 0;
    foreach (var index in splitWhat
        .Select((elem, ind) => new { e = elem, i = ind })
        .Where(x => splitWhere(x.e)))
        yield return splitWhat.Skip(prevIndex).Take(index.i - prevIndex);
        prevIndex = index.i + 1;
    yield return splitWhat.Skip(prevIndex);

For example, in your case, you can use it like this:

var arr = new string[] { "foo", "bar", "jar", "\r", "a", "b", "c", "\r", "x", "y", "z", "\r" };
var results = arr.Split(elem => elem == "\r");

foreach (var result in results)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result));

This will print:

foo, bar, jar
a, b, c
x, y, z

(including a blank line at the end, because there is a "\r" at the end of your collection).


If you want to use a standard IEnumerable extension method, you'd have to use Aggregate (but this is not as reusable as Timwi's solution):

var list = new[] { "foo","bar","jar","\r","a","b","c","\r","x","y","z","\r" };
var res = list.Aggregate(new List<List<string>>(),
                         (l, s) =>
                             if (s == "\r")
                                 l.Add(new List<string>());
                                 if (!l.Any())
                                     l.Add(new List<string>());
                             return l;
Ronald Wildenberg