



Dear everyone,

I'm looking for a library either in C C++ or Java that can track an image. With that I mean I want my program to get the web-cam input recognize an image in front of the web-cam and display for example a movie over the web-cam image.

Thank you.

I just did some more googling and found that what I want to do is called: NATURAL FEATURE TRACKING. I did not find a suitable library yet though.

+1  A: 

Maybe OpenCV might be something worth looking at.

it definitely has the potential, but be prepared to put some effort into it.
Alexander Rafferty
I agree it looks like it can do the job but I'm looking for some other options which are more focused on the actual Natural Feature Tracking I think the openCV option will cost me a lot of time to figure out but I'm definitely gonna keep it in mind for future projects.