Hello, I am trying to extract data from XML. I generated C# classes using XSD of this XML file. I am trying to get the data from XML file and save it C# class. I am running into NULLReferenceException Was Unhadled by User; "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error.
My XML File
<clue_personal_auto xmlns = "http://cp.com/rules/client">
<quoteback name="trackingNUmber">67890 </quoteback>
<classification> inqiury </classification>
<claims_history type="Subject Section">
<claim id = "s1" unit-number="1" sequence-number="1" number="11111">
<scope_of_claim>Full Scope</scope_of_claim>
<claim_age years="1" months="10"/>
<policy number="XX111111">
<issuer> CUSTOMER TEST </issuer>
<auto_type> Personal Auto</auto_type>
<fsi_issuer>Field absent on inquiry</fsi_issuer>
<subject classification="POlicy HOlder">
<fsi_middle>Field absent on inquiry and rport</fsi_middle>
<fsi_suffix>Field absent on inquiry and report</fsi_suffix>
<driversLicense number="999999999" state="GA">
<fsi_state>Field abscent on inquiry</fsi_state>
<fsi_number>Field absent on inquiry</fsi_number>
<claimPayment amount_paid="2841.00" type="Collision" disposition="Open"/>
<claimPayment amount_paid="0.00" type="Physical/Property Damage" disposition="Open"/>
<claim_association_indicator>Indicates the Vehicle Operator was the person matched </claim_association_indicator>
<model_make>Nissan Sentra</model_make>
<vin> 9N9ABC99D434kjlkfajsdkl</vin>
<disposition>Not Reported </disposition>
<fsi_model_year>Field absent on inquiry and report</fsi_model_year>
<fsi_model_make>Field absent on inquiry and report</fsi_model_make>
<fsi_vin>Field absenton inquiry and report</fsi_vin>
<claim id = "s2" unit-number="2" sequence-number="2" number="22222">
<scope_of_claim>Limited scope</scope_of_claim>
<claim id = "s3" unit-number="3" sequence-number="3" number="33333">
<inquiry_history name ="GO America" id="1" date="09/10/2010"/>
My query :
List<results_dataset> resultdatasets =
(from b in query.Descendants(xmlns + "results_dataset")
select new results_dataset
claimsHistory =
(from c in query.Descendants(xmlns + "claims_history")
select new Claims_history
claim = (from d in query.Descendants(xmlns + "claim")
select new Claim ()
policy = ( from e in query.Descendants(xmlns + "policy")
**select new cluePolicyType()
issuer = e.Element("issuer").Value ,
number = e.Attribute("number").Value ,
auto_type = e.Element("auto_type").Value,
fsi_issuer= e.Element("fsi_issuer").Value,
} **
scope_of_claim = d.Element("scope_of_claim").Value,
type = c.Attribute("type").Value
The area in between ** is where I get this error.If I remove the code which is inside the {} area of ** then no error. I am not able to figure it out. it is driving me crazy. Can somebody please help me. Thanks in advance M.