how do I cast void *something
to an object in standard C++?
Specifically I want want to cast void *userdata
to std::map<String, void*>
Is this possible? I am trying:
//void *user_data is a parameter of this function (callback)
std::map <String, void*> user_data_n; //this line is ok
user_data_n = static_cast<std::map<String, void *>>(*user_data); //I get the errors here.
Spurious '>>' user '>' to terminate a template argument list
Expected '>' before '(' token
'void *' is not a pointer-to-object type
or is there a better way to carry information about the caller object and some other parameters I can pass to void *user_data
Ass suggested by @aaa carp I changed >>
to > >
and the first two errors were solved. The last is strange, Why do I get that kind of message when casting it here and not when putting that object when setting the callback?
std::map<String, void*> user_data_h;
user_data_h["Object"] = this; //this is a MainController object
user_data_h["h"] = h; //h was defined as int *h
createTrackbar("trackbar_H", winName, h, 255, trackbar_handler, &user_data_h);
where createTrackbar is defined as:
int createTrackbar( const string& trackbarname, const string& winname,
int* value, int count, TrackbarCallback onChange, void* userdata);
doing this solved my problem but following the same approach, why I still get error when trying to cast objects contained in my map object?
void trackbar_handler(int value, void *user_data){
std::map <String, void*> *user_data_map;
user_data_map = reinterpret_cast<std::map<String, void *> *>(user_data); //WORKED!! ;)
MainController *controller; //the same class type I put using "this" above
controller = reinterpret_cast<MainController *>( user_data_map["Object"]); //ERROR here
int *var = reinterpret_cast<int*> (user_data_map["h"]); //ERROR also here