



Suppose you have a string which is NOT null terminated and you know its exact size, so how can you print that string with printf in C? I recall such method but I can not find out know...

+14  A: 

There is a possibility with printf, it goes like this:

printf("%.*s", stringLength, pointerToString);

No need to copy anything, no need to modify the original string or buffer.

But anyway it's dangerous, somebody will someday printf this string with %s
Yes, that's it!
@Pmod: Not necessarily if the buffer is not exposed to the outside world. It's also very useful to just print *parts* of a string (which may be null terminated, of course). If you really want to see this in action, have a look at the OpenSER/Kamailio SIP proxy where they avoid copying stuff due to this technique a lot (also using sprintf).
I don't have anything against printing a part of NULL-terminated string in a way you described. I also do in that way in my progs. But I am against using NON-NULL-terminated strings to pretend that they're terminated. Someone may some day str(n)cpy it or expose outside without noticing this specific.
int main()
/*suppose a string str which is not null terminated and n is its length*/
 int i;
 return 0;

I edited the code,heres another way:

int main()
printf ("%.5s","fahaduddin");/*if 5 is the number of bytes to be printed and fahaduddin is the string.*/

return 0;

Very bad performance due to lots of unnecessary byte reads (which come with a performance penalty if the the byte is not on a word-aligned address on most CPUs) and also the formatting parsing and applying is done for each and every character. Don't do that :-) See my answer for the solution.
Thanks for mentioning
@DarkDust: only a pathological machine would penalize byte reads not aligned to word boundaries. Are you thinking of word reads not aligned to word boundaries? Or some ancient mips crap or something?
@R..: If you consider x86 brain-damaged and out-dated, I absolutely agree. Because x86 does have a penalty for reading and write non-word aligned memory. So does ARM. See for example [this question]( or [this question]( The thing is (if I understood that correctly) that data is fetched in word-size chunks from memory and getting the correct byte is another micro-op. No big deal, but in a huge loop it might make a difference.
@DarkDust: you are completely wrong about that for byte reads. Why don't you go do a benchmark? x86 has completely atomic byte operations and always had. It does not fetch word-size chunks (except at the cache level, which fetches much larger chunks and alignment is irrelevant, but I'm talking about already-cached data).