




I'm developing an visits counter and I'd like to increase a number depending on the browser and the operating system.

For example:

Firefox     Mac OS X 

Safari      Mac OS X 

Firefox     Mac OS X

Firefox     Linux

Then the website would display

Safari on Mac OS X 1 visit

Firefox on Mac OS X 2 visits

Firefox on Linux 1 visit

There are a lot of browsers and operating systems combinations, then I'd like to use an algorithm that will calculate that easily. The data is retrieved from a MYSQL database. Does anyone knows a good way to do it?

+1  A: 
SELECT browser, os, COUNT(*) as c FROM table GROUP BY browser, os;
Emil Vikström
Thank you! It works :D
Fernando Valente
+1  A: 

The function get_browser will return a rather large array with all the information it can know about the user.

You should put this array in a database, probably with a column for each piece of information that get_browser() returns:

  $browser = get_browser()

  foreach ($browser as $key => $information) { // You may want to use array_walk for this, wich is harder to read in a simple example.
    $browser_clean[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($information); //DO NOT FORGET TO SANITIZE, ppl can spoof the browserstrings and open up SQL injection holes!
  //You probably want some slightly cleaner and better way to talk to the Database then boiling up some ugly SQL-string, though.
  mysql_query('INSERT INTO browserstats (parent, platform, browser, ...restofyourfields) VALUES ('. $browser_clean['parent'] .','. $browser_clean['platform'] .','. $browser_clean['browser'] .'...restofthefields)')

