I think this is a pretty basic question, but I just want to clarify. If I have a variable with a null value, and pass it as a parameter that is optional, will the parameter get the null value, or the default value?
dim str As String = "foo"
dim obj As Object
//call 1
Request(str, str)
//call 2
//call 3
Request(str, obj)
public Function Request(byVal someVal As String, Optional ByVal someVal2 As String = "bar")
I know that call 1 will make someval == someval2 == "foo"
inside the function, and call 2 will make someval == "foo"
and someval2 == "bar"
and call 3 will make someval == foo
but what is someval2
equal to in call 3? nullable or bar?
Also - I'm relatively new to vb.net and I don't think I fully understand the null/nullable/nothing concept differences from C#