




I couldn't find any documentation about this around so please help.
I need to localize my web site URLs like the samples below;

also action names will have to be localized as page names;

As you see it seems like complete different URL and It's important for me to index pages with their localized URLs.
Localized page uses different resource depending on current culture bla bla there is no problem in that. I already use it that way in my current webforms site. I am only dealing with URLs here.

The main question is about routing. I have come up with some possible solutions.
a) I can make another folder structure calling the same model behind and add routes to those folders in configuration. But for each language I add, I need to add another folder structure which leads to maintenance hell. When I add a web page I have to add the same code for all languages.
b) Also solution a may lead to seperating m-v-c projects
c) Create the folder structure and use visual studio to link the files inside to the default language structure (this will require maintenance only adding new files and updating file names, routes)
d) Use some kind of URL re-writer for other languages
e) Figure out a way to create Routes dynamically for every page, action. Like loading a dictionary of > from some repository which should also be ordered so that I don't mess up things and add routes enumerating that dictionary.

What would be the best practice in this scenario?
Does adding localization info to URL changes anything? (for my action names also will be localized)

Thanks in advance