




what is the difference between GCC and C?

+7  A: 

C is a programming language. GCC is a compiler (collection).

For the differences between programming languages and compilers, post another question.

High Performance Mark
+7  A: 

C is a programming language.

GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection - a range of open source compilers widely used to compile many different languages.

Historically, GCC stood for the GNU C Compiler - and the program gcc is the name of that compiler in the GCC (though on some systems, where there is no other standard compiler, it also installed as cc).

The GNU C Compiler will compile programs written in C and produce various sorts of output. One possible output is an executable file that represents the C program and supporting libraries (usually including the standard C library and often some extra libraries) that, when executed, performs the task described by the C source code. Other C compilers do the same translation job but are written by different sets of authors.

Jonathan Leffler