





I have some work in Excel but I can't manage to work out how to do it. I have two sheets that contain: Sheet 1. CodeA and CodeD

Sheet 2. CodeB and CodeD

what I have to do is to find out the matching CodeA with CodeB. I've tried Vlookup but it won't work and i don't now why. I've tried with Tags, both in the same sheet but it still won't work, i keep getting #N/A. The table contains empty cells, and some codes don't have a match.

Is there an other way?

thanks, Sebastian

+1  A: 

vlookup should work:


  1. The cell you wish to lookup - i.e. D2
  2. The range of values you wish to search in - A$2:B$6 (Lock the numbers so you can fill down)
  3. The number of the column toy wish to return - 1 for A, 2 for B (in this example)
  4. false -Makes the match exact.

This is assuming the data matches

N/A should occur if the value cannot be found, you can then filter these etc

thanks for your reply. i've tried but no success. is there an other way?
i've found the values manually. most of them. do you have an ideea what could be my problem?
Try doing the above on a very simple set of data, comparing a list i.e. a,b,c,d,e against a,b,c,f and then refine it to your needs