



I am considering adding validation on some insert and update statements for MS SQL Server 2005. I want to be able to check the values inserted before it is written into the table - in this particular case, it is an integer field where the data must conform to a rule. So a simple schema could be:

([id] [int] identity(1,1), [name] [nvarchar], [magicvalue] [int])

And magicvalue is the one I'm going to validate. However, it is a general question for the "best practice" when indexes and foreign key constraints are not suitable. I guess I am unsure whether triggers or constraints are the way to go, or if there are other ways.

An example is optional :)

+1  A: 

Use constraints for this


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SalesHistory](
      [SaleID] [int]  NOT NULL,
      [Product] [char](150) NULL,
      [SaleDate] [datetime] NULL,
      [SalePrice] [money] NULL CHECK (SalePrice > 4)

That answer suited me fine for the purpose here, but I'm left wondering where then to use pre-commit triggers or rules ( I know the latter is deprecated, but not what the replacement is.

It depends on how complex the validation is. If you can do it in a constraint that is generally more efficient than a trigger. However, triigers can handle more complex validation which constraints cannot.