



Hi I am using silverlight 4 + MVVM Architecture & My Question is, I am using RowDetailsTemplate in DataGrid & My First Column is a button which will have "+" or "-" value & I am Binding this datagrid to observable collection which has a string type value called SIGN = "+" or "-" & I have a button in the DataGrid Header & in its OnClick Event, i am changing the DataGridRowDetailsVisibilityMode of each row to "Visible" if Header Value = "+" & changing the row visibility of each row to "Collapsed" if the Header ="-"

but for changing first column value [i.e button(SIGN) with "+" or "-"] of each row, i am looping thru the collection which i am binding to the datagrid & updating the SIGN value to "+" or "-" But when I Click the Header button of datagrid all the rows of datagrid are expanding but some of the rows even in expand mode have SIGN as "+" but the expanded row sholud have SIGN value = " -" My DataGrid Collection has INotify Property added to it too. Can Somebody help me on this please