




I'm writing an utility (http://reg2run.sf.net) which in case execution without arguments works as windows application (shows OpenFileDialog, etc), otherwise - as console application.

So, in first case I don't want to show a console window, that's why project is Windows Application. But in second - I need to show it, and it's created with

if (ptrNew == IntPtr.Zero)
    ptrNew = GetStdHandle(-11);
if (!AllocConsole())
    throw new ExternalCallException("AllocConsole");
ptrNew = CreateFile("CONOUT$", 0x40000000, 2, IntPtr.Zero, 3, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
if (!SetStdHandle(-11, ptrNew))
    throw new ExternalCallException("SetStdHandle");
StreamWriter newOut = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput());
newOut.AutoFlush = true;

And what I want - is to grab parent process standard output and use it, if it exists (in case execution via cmd.exe or Far Manager). How can I do it?

I tried

static Process GetParentProc()
int pidParent = 0;
int pidCurrent = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

IntPtr hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(2, 0);
if (hSnapshot == IntPtr.Zero)
 return null;

oProcInfo.dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PROCESSENTRY32));

if (!Process32First(hSnapshot, ref oProcInfo))
 return null;
 if (pidCurrent == oProcInfo.th32ProcessID)
  pidParent = (int)oProcInfo.th32ParentProcessID;
while (pidParent == 0 && Process32Next(hSnapshot, ref oProcInfo));

if (pidParent > 0)
 return Process.GetProcessById(pidParent);
 return null;


StreamWriter newOut = GetParentProc().StandardInput;

but got InvalidOperationException: StandardIn has not been redirected. Because of

GetParentProc().StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false
+5  A: 

There are several approaches for applications that need to choose whether to act as console or GUI applications, depending on context, on Windows:

  1. Have two separate applications, and have one conditionally start the other.
  2. A variant of the above strategy, have two applications, one called 'app.com' (i.e. just rename a console EXE with COM extension) and the other called 'app.exe', so that command-line invocations will find app.com first. Because of ancient DOS compatibility, .COM executables are found before .EXEs. (This in configurable in Windows; see the PATHEXT environment variable.)
  3. The rxvt/Cygwin technique, which is one I haven't really seen documented anywhere else.

Let me go into a little bit of detail about how rxvt on Cygwin works. Rxvt is a terminal emulator that normally runs on the X Window system. Because of the limitations of the Win32 console, Cygwin packages it as a more fully-featured console, with support for things like lots of lines of history, dynamic resizing, per-instance configurable fonts and colour themes, non-application-freezing mouse select and copy, etc. In order to run natively on Windows, rxvt shipped with Cygwin includes a tiny X11 wrapper library for Win32. Rxvt on Windows is actually a console application for compatibility reasons with existing native Win32 executables, but most of the time you never see the console; you just see the rxvt terminal emulator window itself.

The way it works is specifically implemented in rxvt/W11/wrap/wrap.c in the rxvt source tree, in the function called hideConsole(). Basically, it opens up its console (with a CreateFile("CONOUT$" ...)), and checks to see if the cursor position is at (0,0) (using GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo() on the console handle).

If it is, then it infers that it has been started as a standalone application, rather than from a console parent application, and thus it knows the OS has created a dedicated Win32 console for the process. It proceeds to hide this console window, but it has to find it first. It uses SetConsoleTitle to set the console window's caption to a unique value based on the name of the application and the current thread ID. It then uses FindWindow to find this window's handle (periodically Sleeping for a few ms if necessary for the title to change, because the console windows are actually controlled by a different process entirely in Windows). When it eventually finds the window handle, it hides it with ShowWindowAsync, passing in SW_HIDE.

Using this approach, you can write an application that:

  • if started from a console parent, it can continue to use this console
  • if started as an application, it can optionally choose whether or not to hide the console

The only downside is a very brief flash of a console window at application startup.

Barry Kelly
Thanks a lot for this information!! The worst is about 'no MS-supported way to "attach" to the parent application's console without starting out as a console application' (((I'll look more at rxvt/Cygwin technique.. but it's about working with child console, not parent(
The rxvt technique works for your specific situation. The key is that you can't get to your goal without starting out as a console application (either with two exes, or by hiding the window when not wanted). When you start out as a console application, working with parent is trivial: you inherit it.
Barry Kelly
+1  A: 

You can always the following P/Invoke method:

static extern bool AttachConsole(int dwProcessId);

Note that the typical parent process (a shell like cmd.exe) will return to the command prompt after starting a GUI application. In other words, this won't do what you expect.
Barry Kelly