



All of the infrastructure components required to implement a CQRS based application seem to be out of the box within AppEngine.

Unfortunately, I can't find anything related to this subject.

Few possible reasons

  • It's a well kept secret beyond "Architecture Astronauts"
  • It's a worthless overkill architecture because AppEngine scales out "by design"
  • It's not mainstream yet

However, even if no complete code is available, provided anyone has hints, bits of targeted code, pros/cons regarding CQRS on top of AppEngine, I'd be greatly honored to benefit from your knowledge.

Thanks in advance.

Note 1: At least, a similar project exists in the .Net ecosystem (Lokad-CQRS which targets Windows Azure)
Note 2: Even if I'm rather python inclined, answers related to Java experience are welcome


Hi there this is not on the AppEngine, however is generic enough to help you get started

Also, I think this dude was trying some CQRS with Ruby, again not python.. but could work as a guideline if you decide to go the python way

BTW, the google group DDD/CQRS is really active and might be of help

