



So I installed pydiction into vim for autocompleting my python code in windows. No problemo. Worked like a charm.

Tried the same thing with my Ubuntu setup, creating the .vim/after/ftplugin directory in my home folder and updating the vimrc with the correct path of the pydiction dictionary but I fail every time. Why is that ? I follow the readme.txt closely , I even found a webpage that describes the process on ubuntu again repeating the same things , nothing.

Each time I tab after i type "raw" while it worked in windows in ubuntu it reports "Dictionary Completion (^K^N^P) Pattern not Found". Tried other keyword , same problem. Anyone has an idea why this happens ?


Sounds like it's having a problem with your complete-dict file. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and it works fine for me. Make sure your complete-dict file actually has content in it, in this case make sure it has the word 'raw' in it.


Problem has been solved, apparently gvim did not like the fact that i put the files in a ".vim" directory even though that was exactly what the instructions told me to do. I put them in my home folder pydiction.vim and complete-dictionary and now it works ok, with no issues.

Now autocomplete works with any word I tried it with. I am abit confused with gvim , as the instructions said to create ".vim" directory but I have also found a vimfiles directory in a etc folder. Why vim structure is so confusing? Maybe the manual should clarify directory structure to avoid confusing. Now I use a source command to load pydiction.vim from my home folder and setup the vimrc properly to point to the new paths.

At least I solved my problem myself , thanks for all replies.

Type ":set runtimepath" to see the dirs vim looks in. Mine has ~/.vim first. If you type ":h rtp" it shows that under unix like systems the default place to look first is "$HOME/.vim".
yes you are right that is exactly what it displays. But where "~" really is ? and $HOME is it the home folder or is it my user home folder in my case home/kilon ? A reason that my path did not work is that i accidently made the .vim folder with root privileges, I used the sudo nautilus command to access another folder and deleting some root permission files , but even though i gave kilon permission to .vim folder when i returned back it had root permissions, so i pressume that was the reason that gvim/vim has been unable to access those file.
~ is your user's home directory, eg /home/kilon. Thus you don't need sudo to create directories there. Test this yourself with "echo ~" and "echo $HOME". So just mkdir ~/.vim (and any subdirs like ~/.vim/plugin, etc) if they're not already there and you're good to go.
thnaks for the reply, I think I understand the problem , it seemed I messed up with the sudo command. But all is well now.