



I have a public key and I want to use it to encrypt a piece of data. I'm trying to import the public key in order to use it, but CryptImportKey gives me an 'invalic parameter' error.

What's the problem?

Here's my code:

if( !CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT) )
     * Print error and return
pblob->header->bType = PUBLICKEYBLOB;
pblob->header->aiKeyAlg = CALG_AES_128;
pblob->header->bVersion = CUR_BLOB_VERSION;
pblob->header->reserved = 0;
pblob->key_len = key_len;

memcpy(pblob->key, key , key_len);

if( !CryptImportKey( &hProv,
    &hKey ) )
    // Print error and return

Windows CryptoAPI doesn't work directly with plain text keys; you have to jump through a bit of a hoop to do this. Here is the knowledge base article describing how to do this.

Quite a hoop indeed! But I'm not sure this is what I need. First of all I have realized that in fact the public key I want to import is used to encrypt another key, and so for key exchange, so I changed the ALG_ID to CALG_RSA_KEYX, but still get the error. As to the plaintext session keys - I'm importing a public key, and MSDN says that such keys are not encrypted, which is what I want. So I don't think I need the hoop...
Are you sure your key blob is in the correct format? See
Well, after reading the link you gave, I'm not at all sure! In fact it made me realize that I might be missing even more here. The point is that the public key I'm trying to import came from a .pem file. I now understand that its not enough to remove the header and footer in the .pem file. So I base64-decoded the contents, but now I am starting to think that's not enough either. I understand that the contents are in DER format, and I don't know how to convert that into something I can import into CryptoApi. Any idea?
Here's another question that seems to be asking the same thing; maybe you can give that solution a try.
That solution is indeed exactly what I need, and it appears to be the perfect answer. Still, for some reason, when I implement it the last CryptDecodeObjectEx, which should be from the DER format to the RSA structure, returns an error indicating "ASN.1 bad tag value met", and I have yet to find out what that means. :-(

Thanks to all that was said here, and a lot of searching, I found the answer in:

And used it to create my own program which I posted on the other thread at:
