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      <div id="menubox">
        <ul id="menuTop">
              <a onclick="getLink('home'); return false" href="./inmaking.html" onmouseover="status=''; return true;" >home</a>

<div class="wrapper" >

<div id="gdMatter" style="background-color:#CCCCCC; position:relative; clear:both; top:10px; height:auto; padding:25px;padding-left:75px;">
<!-- Graphic Designing starts  -->
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<div id="printing1" style="position:relative; top:-20px; left:25px; background-color:transparent; width:auto; height:20px; padding-top:5px; margin-right:25px;">Graphic Designing    </div>

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</div><!-- abtgd123 ends -->
</div><!-- Graphic Designing ends-->
</div> <!-- gdMatter -->
</div><!-- wrapper 2nd closed-->
</div><!-- gdtrunk -->

Edited to add link to jsfiddle demo, as linked-to by OP in comment to @JapanPro's answer.


This is your code actually

<div class="div1">
    <div class="div2">
        <div class="div3" style="height:62px;">
            <img src="" style="height:200px;">
        <div class="div4" style="clear:both">test</div>

now question should be how you can get same result in all browser

<div class="div1">
    <div class="div2">
        <div class="div3">
            <img src="" style="height:200px;display:block">
        <div class="div4">test</div>

using this code will give you same result across browser.

-1 , please add comment too.
dear JapanPro, thanks for this tip, btw I rectified/edited the code a little after posting initially (div 3 closed b4 div4 starts). Anyway asked by other I am try to post actual code here...
Rahul Utb
@Rahul add to jsfiddle.net so i can see and adjust if needed.
@rahul i have updated code, please take a loop, if it works accept as an answer. thanks
i have now added code here as well as in jsfiddle
Rahul Utb
add jsfiddle url here
Rahul Utb
check update here http://jsfiddle.net/7UM86/4/ there is little padding issue and adjusting , i think you can do your self coz you know how much space u need and where.
Hi, thanks for the solution. I am quite new to this stackoverflow, don't know even properly to use it. I have accepted your ans, the one you gave on jsfiddle. But can u just tell me little bit why this issue. Is that some problem with IE.
Rahul Utb
as i told you, ie have different rendering then ff and chrome. but if you follow streak rule , it works every where.
to vote up, you just can push top arrow on vote in left side.