



I'm trying to install django lfc on my server. Apart of zilions of different problems I've encountered now I'm struggling with TemplateDoesNotExist. In my settings file I have set TEMPLATE_DIRS variable like this :


and it corresponds to my files structure. Still when I'm trying to run the application I'm getting TemplateDoesNotExist exception when one of the templates loads {% templates %} templatetag which looks as follows :

@register.inclusion_tag('lfc/manage/templates.html', takes_context=True)
def templates(context):

So it should load template from /lfc/templates/lfc/manage/templates.html but instead reads only lfc/manage/templates.html just as it would skip the first folder from the settings. Any ideas how to resolve this ? I'm using the latest django buildout from trunk. Tell me if I should post more info cuz I'm not sure what might be needed.

+1  A: 

Update your Django installation.

damn, I didn't noticed your comment... sorry for that..