



I don't have shell access.

Database of 8,000 database entries with images and max I can get at a time with the max_allowed_packets parameter is about 30-35.

Tried bigdump to no avail. Also downloaded numerous other items. Shell access is not working on the server. Tried to change the max_allowed_packet param in php.ini, my.ini, and my.cnf - but still, nothing has worked.

Instead of using the default phpmyadmin to import, I downloaded navicat for mysql which has helped select when and where the import functions stop because of errors.

Any information or tips to help me would be appreciated.

I attempted to build a php script to (one at a time), select a database value from the former host and insert it into the new database, but was not able to make the external database hookup function (moving from media temple grid server to media temple dedicated virtual).

Btw, using wordpress - could wordpress have some build in max allowed packets functino?