I'm running into an issue with a formatting converter and data validation. I have the following textbox XAML declaration
<TextBox FontFamily="Segoe" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Medium"
TabIndex="{Binding TabBinding}" Foreground="Black"
Opacity="0.9" IsTabStop="True" Uid="{Binding PriceID}"
Text="{Binding NewPrice,Converter={StaticResource FormattingConverter},
ConverterParameter=' \{0:C\}', Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}"
Background="#FFE6DED3" BorderBrush="#FFE6DED3"
DataContext="{Binding StringFormat=\{0:c\}, NotifyOnValidationError=True}"
Padding="0" KeyDown="TextBox_KeyDown" AcceptsReturn="False">
The issue I'm up against is a data validation issue. When a user enters an invalid price (Ex: a value of "abc" or "0.0.4"), the textbox attempts to perform the conversion in the "FormattingConverter" method. (ConvertBack method pasted below) This causes an exception and the program errors out. Is there a way to delay the FormattingConverter call or bypass it if the data in the textbox is not valid?
public object ConvertBack(object value, System.Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
var objTypeConverter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(targetType);
object objReturnValue = null;
if (objTypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(value.GetType())) {
objReturnValue = objTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(value.ToString().Replace("$", ""));
return objReturnValue;
Thank you,