



In either SharePoint 2007 or 2010, I am looking for a way to do a particular type of custom view. I don't think this is default in the product and would possibly need some scripting. (hopefully I am wrong).

Let's say I have 3 columns in the list, 2 with data and 1 with the owner (tied to single signed on account).

I want to limit the active user's view of that list to only the rows that have them as the owner. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks in advance!


Found a great answer thread for this

Technet thread

+1  A: 

In the view's filter setting set the Owner column to [Me]

Vladi Gubler

Be aware, though, that this just filters out the items from the view you are modifying. Users who are smart enough to open RSS view of that list, open the list in Excel or Ms Access will still see the "hidden" items.


I do not think SharePoint build in features allow you grand permission on view. Setting Owner column to [me] can not prevent users to access to it through URL, or open RSS view as mentioned by naivists. There are some solutions like SharePoint View Permission, which avoid the loophole by redirect user if they do not have proper permission. But I still do not believe it is 100% foolproof as the name suggests.
