How to get list of files that a program is working with? For example, if a program is downloading something, how can I know what and where that file is while downloading?
If you're trying to get this information programmatically, I don't know how to do it. If you are debugging something and want to follow what is going on, check out sysinternals.
André Caron
2010-09-29 01:57:27
Is it available in windows 7? And yes, i'm trying to achive this programmatically...
2010-09-29 02:24:26
Yes, sysinternals covers pretty much all versions since Windows NT, but it isn't Open Source, so I don't know how to achieve it does.
André Caron
2010-09-29 14:08:20
Sysinternals is the way to go. You need Filemon - although I think it's been merged now into a generalised system monitor?
Blank Xavier
2010-09-30 15:09:56
Use a debugger, OllyDbg is a good one: For the network activity, use a packet sniffer: Wireshark -
2010-09-29 02:29:58