




I'm looking to get something that can create apps for Mac and Windows. It also seems that RealBasic can also create applications that have some sort of SQLLite DB built in. This is nice for standalone apps that need to save state/data.

I have Flash, which can create executables for Mac and Windows, but it doesn't have the easy database packaging or integration.

What are some other comparable products like RealBasic?

+1  A: 

You can check out LiveCode

I do not have any experience using it but it also claims to support cross platform application development across Mac / Windows / Linux etc

Also, i think this product is what used to be called "Revolution" so it has been around atleast for a few years now - Revolution has been around since before 2001 to the best of my knowledge

The syntax for LiveCode is very similar to Lingo (Director...formerly by Macromedia, now Adobe :) )
As it turns out LiveCode and Lingo are both descendants of Hypercard. I loved Lingo. Now I'm tempted by LiveCode. The one thing that makes it costly is that you need to pay to deploy to each platform.