



Consider a sequence of n positive real numbers, (ai), and its partial sum sequence, (si). Given a number x ∊ (0, sn], we have to find i such that si−1 < x ≤ si. Also we want to be able to change one of the ai’s without having to update all partial sums. Both can be done in O(log n) time by using a binary tree with the ai’s as leaf node values, and the values of the non-leaf nodes being the sum of the values of the respective children. If n is known and fixed, the tree doesn’t have to be self-balancing and can be stored efficiently in a linear array. Furthermore, if n is a power of two, only 2 n − 1 array elements are required. See Blue et al., Phys. Rev. E 51 (1995), pp. R867–R868 for an application. Given the genericity of the problem and the simplicity of the solution, I wonder whether this data structure has a specific name and whether there are existing implementations (preferably in C++). I’ve already implemented it myself, but writing data structures from scratch always seems like reinventing the wheel to me—I’d be surprised if nobody had done it before.

+3  A: 

Fenwick tree (aka Binary indexed tree) is a data structure that maintains a sequence of elements, and is able to compute cumulative sum of any range of consecutive elements in O(logn) time. Changing value of any single element needs O(logn) time as well.

+2  A: 

This is known as a finger tree in functional programming but apparently there are implementations in imperative languages. In the articles there is a link to a blog post explaining an implementation of this data structure in C# which could be useful to you.

Daniel Velkov