Hi - learning about loops (still a beginner) in VB.net. I have got the below code and basically it is meant to stop the loop once it reaches a number above 20. Now, the problem is that it does stop after number 20 but the last number that is displayed in the list is always above 20.....any idea how I can stop it showing the last number as above 20?
If you guys know it can you also explain a bit about the answer - would like to learn as well as have the code..Thanks!
Private Sub btnDoWhileLoop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDoWhileLoop.Click
Dim objRandom As New Random
Dim intRandomNumber As Integer = 0
Do While intRandomNumber < 20
intRandomNumber = objRandom.Next(25)
End Sub