I'm trying to get something like this working:
function posts_formatter (&$posts){
foreach ($posts as $k => $v){
if (is_array($v)){
switch (strtolower($k)){
# make email addresses lowercase
case (strpos($k, 'email') !== FALSE):
$posts[$k] = strtolower($v);
# make postcodes uppercase
case (strpos($k, 'postcode') !== FALSE):
$posts[$k] = strtoupper($v);
# capitalize certain things
case (strpos($k, 'line1') !== FALSE):
case (strpos($k, 'line2') !== FALSE):
case (strpos($k, 'line3') !== FALSE):
case (strpos($k, 'forename') !== FALSE):
case (strpos($k, 'surname') !== FALSE):
$posts[$k] = capitalize($v);
It will correctly go through the array and format the values but I can't get it to return them. I've played around with removing the &
from the function declaration and adding a return at the end but it won't do anything.
Additionally, I'm thinking perhaps using a RecursiveArrayIterator
might be the way to go. However, despite the presence of a book right in front of me with a chapter on SPL Iterators its examples are useless towards being able to achieve what I'm trying to. How would I go about implementing one?
array (
'user' =>
array (
'title' => 'Mr.',
'forename' => 'lowercase',
'surname' => 'name',
'businessName' => 'some dude',
'telephone' => '07545464646',
'postcode' => 'wa1 6nj',
'line1' => 'blergh road',
'line2' => 'randomLY cApitaLIzed wOrds',
'line3' => '',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'address' =>
array (
'postcode' => 'ab1 1ba',
'line1' => 'test road',
'line2' => 'testville',
'line3' => 'testshire',
'date' => '2010-09-30'