



Hello there, I'm wondering if is there any service on the web that allows you to create a section and then store for that section usernames/password and other information you might like such as first name, last name, email, and other custom informations.. then you would be able to validate this information on an external website via RESTful API or something like this....

Just thinking on it that might make people's life easier when they wanted to create an application so they don't need to re-create the same user/password system over and well adding custom information to it's database...

I'm not sure if it's the same thing as OpenID because you will have a profile inside this service and you can create as many apps/websites you want and those can have many users with many custom informations each one.

Then between the 2 endpoints there will be this service that will be responsible for the validation of user/password and providing the custom information and the front-end website which will display it. (using a JSONP response would even allow users to create websites without need a server side language, it would be possible to do everything through JS) there anything similar already?

Hope I was clear enough trying to explain how it works...

All the best


Looks like OpenID is already going down this path:

You really might want to research the providers out there before deciding what you want to do.

Chris Lively

Authentication with OAuth partially accomplishes what you are describing. It allows users to authenticate with an external source (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that has a profile. Instead of creating a new profile and signing in on the new website, users can sign in through an existing website and grant permission to the new site to access user information. This is very common with Facebook. Check out their OAuth authentication documentation:
