




The title is a little bit general so let me give you some background:

Our application consists of:

  • A client-side swing executable (core.jar) which downloads modules (jar files) via http
  • The modules which provide the GUI and initiate server interaction (war files)
  • And the server infrastructure (war files) which host modules (jars inside wars) and provides server functionality

The war files are deployed in JBoss 4.x application servers.

The deployment process has the weak point of always doing a server and client artifact release (jar and war).

For example if there are only changes to the client modules we always have to deploy both server war and module jars just because war files hosts the module jars.

Ideally we would like to use JBoss as web server serving modules and as an application server hosting server functionality (wars). So theoretically, I would like to place both war and jar files in the deploy directory of my server instance and automatically get the webapp started (war) and the module jar files available over http (example:

Do you know if this could be done with JBoss? Can you point me to any relevant documentation?

Thank you in advance,
