hi all.
I'm using selenium-client to test a site. I want to get all a tags matching a particular selector, and then get the href attributes back in an array. Can anyone tell me how i can do this? For example, this returns the href of the first matching 'a' tag:
browser.get_attribute "//a[contains(@id,'friendImageLink')]/@href"
=> "http://asite/some-path"
Can i do the above and end up with an array of href strings? It feels like it should be easy but i can't work it out :/ If i do this in firebug
I get an array of objects back, so it feels like i'm close.
thanks, max
EDIT - i thought of counting the matching elements and then iterating through them, but i can't seem to select the n'th element at all. For example, the page in question has 38 a tags matching the "contains" condition, but if i do this
browser.get_attribute "//a[contains(@id,'friendImageLink')][2]/@href"
I get an error message saying Selenium::CommandError: OR: Element /descendant::a[contains(@id,'friendImageLink')][2]/ not found
EDIT - i just figured out a way. @browser.get_all_links
returns all the ids of all links on the page in an array. I can then grep out the ones i want and iterate over the resulting filtered array, getting each link and then getting it's href. eg
@browser.get_all_links.grep(/friendImageLink/).collect{|link_id| @browser.get_attribute("//a[@id='#{link_id}']/@href") }