How to get hour from subtract date and time in mysql?
2010-12-04 17:07:14 and 2010-05-30 17:07:19
How to get hour from subtract date and time in mysql?
2010-12-04 17:07:14 and 2010-05-30 17:07:19
I'm assuming you mean you want the # of hours when subtracting the two dates. If that's the case I found the below here:
You can convert both times to seconds using unix_timestamp. Then subtract one from other to get number of seconds between both times. Then divide by 3600 to get the number of hours
select ( unix_timestamp( "2010-12-04 17:07:14" ) -
unix_timestamp("2010-05-30 17:07:19" ) ) / 3600
*Note: This only works for dates after 1970