



Hello Everybody,

I have created a silver light application which leverages the ADO.NET Data Services in SharePoint 2010 and trying to achieve the CRUD functionality through ADO.NET data service. For that I have added service reference by specifying URL as http://:1111/_vti_bin/listdata.svc to my silver light application in visual 2010. Now I have written the desired code in MainPage.xaml and code behind by using DataGrid control (System.Windows.Controls.Data) of silver light 4.0. I have build the application and pasted .xap file in to ClientBin folder of 14 hive.

Now I open a web browser and put the site URL as http://:1111/. On home page itself I have added a silver light web part but when I configure it by specifying the URL as _layouts/ClientBin/.xap it shows me the regular error saying “Could not download the Silverlight application or the Silverlight Plugin did not load.”

Am I missing anything? Or there is a different deployment procedure for silver light app with ADO.NET data service in share point 2010.