



I believe the Erlang community is not envious of Node.js as it does non-blocking I/O natively and has ways to scale deployments easily to more than one processor (something not even built-in in Node.js). More details at and

What about Haskell? Can Haskell provide some of the benefits of Node.js, namely a clean solution to avoid blocking I/O without having recourse to multi-thread programming?


There are many things that are attracting with Node.js

  1. Events: No thread manipulation, the programmer only provides callbacks (as in Snap framework)
  2. Callbacks are guaranteed to be run in a single thread: no race condition possible.
  3. Nice and simple UNIX-friendly API. Bonus: Excellent HTTP support. DNS also available.
  4. Every I/O is by default asynchronous (this can be annoying sometimes, though). This makes it easier to avoid locks. However, too much CPU processing in a callback will impact other connections (in this case, the task should split into smaller sub-tasks and re-scheduled).
  5. Same language for client-side and server-side. (I don't see too much value in this one, however. JQuery and Node.js share the event programming model but the rest is very different. I just can't see how sharing code between server-side and client-side could be useful in practice.)
  6. All this packaged in a single product.
+14  A: 

Can Haskell provide some of the benefits of Node.js, namely a clean solution to avoid blocking I/O without having recourse to multi-thread programming?

Yes, in fact events and threads are unified in Haskell.

  • You can program in explicit lightweight threads (e.g. millions of threads on a single laptop).
  • Or; you can program in an async event-driven style, based on scalable event notification.

Threads are actually implemented in terms of events, and run across multiple cores, with seamless thread migration, with documented performance, and applications.

E.g. for

Concurrent collections nbody on 32 cores

alt text

In Haskell you have both events and threads, and as it is all events under the hood.

Read the paper describing the implementation.

Don Stewart
Thanks. I need to digest all this... This seems to be GHC-specific. I guess it's OK. The Haskell language is sometime as anything GHC can compile. In a similar way, the Haskell "platform" is more or less the GHC run-time.
@gawi: That and all of the other packages that get bundled right into it so that it is useful right out of the box. And this is the same image that I saw in my CS course; and the best part is that it is not hard in Haskell to achieve similar awesome results in your own programs.
Robert Massaioli
+7  A: 

Ok, so having watched a little of the node.js presentation that @gawi pointed me at, I can say a bit more about how Haskell compares to node.js. In the presentation, Ryan describes some of the benefits of Green Threads, but then goes on to say that he doesn't find the lack of a thread abstraction to be a disadvantage. I'd disagree with his position, particularly in the context of Haskell: I think the abstractions that threads provide are essential for making server code easier to get right, and more robust. In particular:

  • using one thread per connection lets you write code that expresses the communication with a single client, rather that writing code that deals with all the clients at the same time. Think of it like this: a server that handles multiple clients with threads looks almost the same as one that handles a single client; the main difference is there's a fork somewhere in the former. If the protocol you're implementing is at all complex, managing the state machine for multiple clients simultaneously gets quite tricky, whereas threads let you just script the communication with a single client. The code is easier to get right, and easier to understand and maintain.

  • callbacks on a single OS thread is cooperative multitasking, as opposed to preemptive multitasking, which is what you get with threads. The main disadvantage with cooperative multitasking is that the programmer is responsible for making sure that there's no starvation. It loses modularity: make a mistake in one place, and it can screw up the whole system. This is really something you don't want to have to worry about, and preemption is the simple solution. Moreover, communication between callbacks isn't possible (it would deadlock).

  • concurrency isn't hard in Haskell, because most code is pure and so is thread-safe by construction. There are simple communication primitives. It's much harder to shoot yourself in the foot with concurrency in Haskell than in a language with unrestricted side effects.

Simon Marlow
Ok, so I get that node.js is solution to 2 problems: 1- concurrency is hard in most languages, 2- using OS threads is expansive. Node.js solution is to use event-based concurrency (w/ libev) to avoid communication between threads and to avoid scalability problems of OS threads. Haskell does not have problem #1 because of purity. For #2, Haskell has lightweight threads + event manager that was optimized recently in GHC for large-scale contexts. Also, using Javascript just can't be perceived as a plus for any Haskell developer. For some people using the Snap Framework, Node.js is "just bad".
Request processing is most of the time a sequence of inter-dependent operations. I tend to agree that using callbacks for every blocking operation can be cumbersome. Threads are better suited than callback for this.
Yep! And brand new I/O multiplexing in GHC 7 makes writing servers in Haskell even better.