



EDIT: I shouldn't be coding when this tired. I was compiling a different copy of the program than I was running. Sorry for wasting your time.

I have the following code to make a single argument optional in my program's startup.

main = do
    args <- getArgs
    handleArgs args

handleArgs :: [String] -> IO ()
handleArgs (server:nick:channel:[]) = IRC.startIRC server 6667 nick channel
handleArgs (server:port:nick:channel:[]) = IRC.startIRC server (read port :: Int) nick    channel
handleArgs _ = putStrLn "Incorrect arguments given."

If I run it like ./program 6667 somenick #somechannel, it runs. However, if I run it like ./program somenick #somechannel, which should make args be a list "":"somenick":"#somechannel":[] if I understand it correctly, it gives a pattern match error pointing to the args <- getArgs line when I try to run it after compiling with ghc.

More precisely, the error is: mbot: user error (Pattern match failure in do expression at core.hs:9:4-32)

+1  A: 

I think, your problem comes from the use of xs in both patterns, when it would be fitting to match against []

foobar :: [String] -> String
foobar (a:b:[]) = b         -- matches on exactly two items
foobar (a:b:c:[]) = c -- matches on exactly three items
foobar _ = "hurz?"

This example works for me, and should hopefully do so for you, too .)

  • Thing is, that matching against xs matches the empty list aswell as any other remaining tail.
Jakob Runge
No luck unfortunately, updated the code in the question though because your way does make more sense.
No, his original version was fine - the problem is in something he hasn't shown.
I see.. than I can't reproduce the problem by now, sorry
Jakob Runge
+1  A: 

Could not reproduce:

import System.Environment (getArgs)
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    handleArgs args

handleArgs :: [String] -> IO ()
handleArgs (server:port:nick:channel:xs) = print 4
handleArgs (server:nick:channel:xs) = print 3


$ ghc --make match.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( match.hs, match.o )
Linking match ...
$ ./match
match: match.hs:(7,0)-(8,44): Non-exhaustive patterns in function handleArgs

$ ./match a b c
$ ./match a b c d
$ ghc -V
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.12.1

I think you're problem is elsewhere. Perhaps you could make a minimal piece of code that actually complies and exhibits the problem? That is usually an informative exercise.

Here is the full source to the file: . As far as I understand, the definition of IRC.startIRC should not affect this situation.
Rudiger solved it - escape your `#`.
+4  A: 

Check that your shell is not interpreting the part starting with # as a comment, e.g. bash with interactive_comments on (shopt). #somechannel may be interpreted as a comment.

Rüdiger Hanke
That is the case for me and bash - he needs to escape the #.