I was under the impression that let! in f# was smart enough to excute sequences of assignments in parallell. However, the following sample displays a different behavior, assignment of a,b,c seems to execute synchronously.
let sleep sec =
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sec * 1000)
return sec
let bar = async
let! a = sleep 1
let! b = sleep 3
let! c = sleep 3
return a+b+c
let foo = Async.RunSynchronously(bar)
printfn "%d" foo
Is that how it is/should be?
And if I want to execute a,b,c in parallell, am I supposed to use Async.Parallell ... |> Async.RunSynchronously ... then?
The above sample is ofcourse useless , the real usecase would be something like query a DB and call some webservices at the same time.