Is it possible to detach the design preview from the code view, for use on the second monitor?
If you don't like Split view (vertical or horizontal) you can put the code view portion on another monitor by using the Code Inspector (Window -> Code Inspector, or F10 on Windows, I think CMD+F10 on Mac ). The Code Inspector is a floating panel that you can place wherever you want. If you make changes in the Code Inspector you need to refresh the document, (F5 on Win and Mac) so that the updates will migrate over.
Beyond that you'll need to liver with it unless you stretch Dreamweaver such that it spans 2 monitors and then use split view and adjust the split point.
Danilo Celic
2010-10-05 16:16:04
I've tried using Code Inspector several times in the past, but that's precisely what I'm trying to avoid. It simply does not behave identically to the "primary" editor, and in fact I'd rather use Windows Notepad and manually refresh browser than use DW's Code Inspector. Stretching is... "ungood" when used with monitors of different resolutions. However if noone else offers a better answer, I'll accept this.
Ivan Vučica
2010-10-06 20:26:43