



I'm trying to come up with an compiled query using Entity SQL and I'm getting this error on ToList() line:

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery`1[BLL.Company] OrderBy(System.String, System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter[])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

Here's the code I'm trying:

class param
    public string where, orderby;
    public int skip, take;



public class BLL.CompanyManager
    private static readonly Func<DbContext, param, IQueryable<CompanyInfo>> companyList;

    static MyClass()
        companyList = CompiledQuery.Compile<DbContext, param, IQueryable<CompanyInfo>>(
                        (DbContext db, param p) =>
                            .Select(row => new CompanyInfo()

        public static List<CompanyInfo> CompanyList(..)
            List<CompanyInfo> list = new List<CompanyInfo>();
            using (var db = (DbContext.Instance())
                list.AddRange(companyList(db, params).ToList<CompanyInfo>()); // <== ERROR
            return list;

Like it says, you can't use a query builder method in an L2E query. The distinction is subtle, because they look identical, but query builder and L2E aren't the same thing.

Craig Stuntz
Does this mean I can't compile ObjectQuery queries? Or is there a way? I wanted to use both dynamic sorting and paging without using Expression Trees and precompiling them. Can't I do both?
Sure you can compile `ObjectQuery`. You just can't compile an expression using Query Builder methods. You also can't compile a "dynamic" query. Think about it; it's a contradiction in terms! Compiled queries can vary only by parameters, not by syntax.
Craig Stuntz