



I call a javascript function that dynamically builds <li>'s with a text input box and drop down inside. The drop down works fine with jQuery's Draggable but I cannot edit the input text box?

function addField(type){
  var html = '';
  html += '<li class="ui-state-default">';
  if(type == 'text'){
   html += '<b>Text Field</b><br />';
   html += 'Field Name: <input type="text" name="text" id="text">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
   html += 'Field Size: <select name="textSize" id="textSize' + fRank + '"><option value="small">Small</option><option selected value="medium">Medium</option><option value="large">Large</option><option value="large2">Large 2 Lines</option><option value="large3">Large 3 Lines</option><option value="large4">Large 4 Lines</option></select>';
  html += '</li>';

  $(function() {
       $( "#sortableFields" ).sortable({
      revert: true
    $( "#draggable" ).draggable({
           connectToSortable: "#sortableFields",
    helper: "clone",
    revert: "invalid",
    cancel: ':input,option'
    $( "ul, li" ).disableSelection();  

I have played around with the cancel option but it doesn't help.

What do you suggest?

+1  A: 

I think the problem is with your use of .disableSelection() for the <li> elements. Instead of doing that, put the text (stuff outside your <input>) into <span> elements, and then disable the spans

$('li > span').disableSelection();