




I work on a project I want to use team build I create a build difineation the trigger gated check-in and everything is OK, but when i check in the code the build fail and I face the following error

C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets (177): Unable to copy file "bin\OTS.RMS.DomainModel.dll" to "C:\Builds\1\OTC-RMS\Main Build\Binaries_PublishedWebsites\WebUIController\bin\OTS.RMS.DomainModel.dll". Could not find file 'bin\OTS.RMS.DomainModel.dll'.

some information regarding the project

  1. OTS.RMS.DomainModel.dll is a class library that has my business logic code
  2. WebUIController is an MVC project
  3. I use Visual studio 2010 and TFS 2010

I try many solution one of them is to check-in the bin folder with it's DLLs inside the source control and when I do that the build succeed but I shouldn't do that because for each build there is a conflict between my local DLLs and the server DLLs and as default the bin and the generated DLLs should stay out of the TFS. after investigation on the TFS machine I found the builds folder in the C: driver which will be used as a source folder so the team build can get the source from the check-in and put this files inside this folder to start build it, I don't know why team build didn't create the bin folder and the DLLs as a result for the build and start copying the DLLs to the binary folder as needed, so what is the problem here
