I'm trying to make an Aduto-Forum poster with VB.NET windows form application
This is the page, http://www.inviteshare.com/community/viewforum.php?id=9 First I'm trying to log-in automatically I insert username & pass but I can't click the Login button because there are 2 buttons with the same ID on the page. ( input type="image" name="submit" class="submit" value="submit" />
input type="image" name="submit" value="login" />)
How can I click the second button. I need to select the button by its value I suppose;
Dim txtUser As HtmlElement = wb.Document.GetElementById("login_user")
Dim btn As HtmlElement = wb.Document.All("submit")
txtUser.SetAttribute("value", "wolfied")
If btn.GetAttribute("value") = "login" Then
End If
But it did not work, how can I select the button that I need?