



I have a Silverlight DataGrid, for which the user can change values in. I also have a "Save" button. When the user clicks the "Save" button, I want only the rows (items) from the data grid that the user has changed to be saved. How can I accomplish this?


Well, if your DataGrid's ItemsSource property is bound to a collection of a class called MyClass, you could add a bool property to MyClass called IsModified. Then, in the other setters within that class, you could set IsModified to true. For example:

public class MyClass
    public bool IsModified { get; set; }

    private string _foo;

    public string Foo
       get { return _foo; }
           _foo = value;
           IsModified = true;

Then, you could use Linq to query the collection of items where IsModified is true (this code assumes items is the collection that is bound to your DataGrid):

List<MyClass> toSave = items.Where(x => x.IsModified).ToList();

Finally, use whatever save method you have to handle each item in toSave:

foreach (MyClass curr in toSave)
    // Save "curr" here...

    // Don't forget to reset IsModified
    curr.IsModified = false;

Hope this helps.


no this is not working i tried i have my class in one project refrence of this project is added to wcf service and wcf service referance added to silverlight project this is not working