The below code explains the problem. Fill in same_sub_class to detect if the two pointers to virtual base class A are in fact the same concrete class.
struct A {
struct B : public A {
struct C : public A {
bool same_sub_class(A * a1, A * a2){
// Fill this in to return true if a1 and a2 are
// of the same concrete class
As I look at my application I need something slightly different from the above. I need to be able to group instances by their type_id.
FYI. I have a mini symbolic algerbra system so to do manipulations it is important to know the class type sometimes for sorting, and rearranging expressions.
So given a vector of pointers to instance how to group them by their type_id. I'd either need to be able to hash the type_id or generate a unique integer for every class.