I'm trying to figure out the best way to reference a control on a form from within a module. Unfortunately the form is just an instance, so it's not as easy as calling form.control...
Dim ChildForm As New frmSearch
' Make it a child of this MDI form before showing it. '
ChildForm.MdiParent = Me
That form has an option for printing, which calls another form where certain options are chosen. The print form in turn calls a function in a module, which tries to reference back to the origional form.
childform as new frmSearch -> frmPrintForm -> sub okToPrint (in module Print)
okToPrint tries to reference a listview on frmSearch, but can't find it.
For Each itmX In frmSearch.lstResults.Items
So the solutions I can think of off the top of my head are:
1. Somehow divine which form is the caller of frmPrintForm
2. Pass ChildForm to the frmPrintForm as a variable to be passed on to module Print..
3. Use frmSearch directly instead of using an instance of it.
Number 1 would be my preference, as I don't want to have to pass forms around like that.