I have a many to many relationship between Contractors and SafetyCouncils. They are joined by a bridge table ContractorsSafetyCouncils which consists of ContractorId and SafetyCouncilId. These 2 columns form a composite key. This relationship is mapped correctly in EF4. The Contractor entity has the property:
public virtual ICollection<SafetyCouncil> SafetyCouncils
And the SafetyCouncil entity has the property:
public virtual ICollection<Contractor> Contractors
When accessing these properties via lazy loading from a single Contractor or SafetyCouncil entity, they work exactly as expected. But when accessing this relationship in a query:
from c in ContractorRepository.All()
where c.PQFs.Count() > 0
let psmAudits = c.PQFs.SelectMany(pqf => pqf.Audits)
let psmAudit = psmAudits.FirstOrDefault(audit => audit.CompletedDate == psmAudits.Max(a => a.CompletedDate))
let scsAudits = c.PQFs.SelectMany(pqf => pqf.SCSAudits)
let scsAudit = scsAudits.FirstOrDefault(audit => audit.CompletedDate == scsAudits.Max(a => a.CompletedDate))
select new MasterListItem()
AdministratorNotes = c.AdminFlags.Where(f => f.IsActive && f.ForPQF).Select(f => f.Text),
CanViewInfo = false,
ContractorName = c.ContractorName,
ContractorId = c.Id,
ContractorTaxId = c.TaxId,
SafetyCouncilIds = c.SafetyCouncils.Select(sc => sc.Id),
PQFSubmitted = c.PQFs.Max(p => p.PQFInfo.SubmittedDate.Value),
PSMAuditId = psmAudit.Id,
PSMAuditComplete = psmAudit.CompletedDate,
PSMAuditStatus = psmAudit.Status.Description,
SCSAuditId = scsAudit.Id,
SCSAuditComplete = scsAudit.CompletedDate
The problem occurs with:
SafetyCouncilIds = c.SafetyCouncils.Select(sc => sc.Id),
For every record the SafetyCouncilIds collection has 0 members, when based on the data in the database every record should have at least 1 SafetyCouncilId associated with it.
If I run the same query, but project into an anonymous type instead of the MasterListItem type, it works correctly. Why can't I project this query into my custom type?
Update: My MasterListItem POCO contained the following properties:
public string SafetyCouncilIdsString
public IEnumerable<int> SafetyCouncilIds
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(",");
foreach (var id in value)
this.SafetyCouncilIdsString = sb.ToString();
The SafetyCouncilIds property was the cause of the problem. I changed this to an automatic property and built the string elsewhere and projecting onto the POCO worked like a charm.