



Woot, first Stack Overflow post! I've been asked to work on a desktop application to improve an inventory process for my company. I dabbled with WPF in school and I figured I'd start there. After researching some, I learned about MVVM, put a design together, and forged ahead. Finally, I'm stuck and looking for some help and also a sanity check to see if I'm on the right path.

I have single-column DataGrid bound to an observable collection. Users of the application use a scan gun to enter values in. One potential value that I catch in my "Cell" model object is a "MoveNextColumn" value. This raises a custom event in my model that is handled in the View Model. The handler is supposed to simulate blank entries for all remaining rows in that column, set focus on the last row, and wait for input before moving on. So here is what I have so far:

private void dummyCell_MoveToNextColumn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
        e.Handled = true;

        // Cell is the model object containing the parsing rules and raising events
        var lSender = sender as Cell;
        var gridItems = ViewGridReference.Items;
        var lastItem = gridItems[gridItems.Count - 1];

        if (lSender == lastItem) {
            // We are at the bottom of the column
            // Move the program on to the next column
        } else {
            // Simulate "empty position" input for this cell and all cells down the column
            // Cells are validating themselves as the simulation progresses
            foreach (Cell item in ViewGridReference.Items) {
                item.ActualItemCode = string.Empty;

            // ViewGridReference is a reference to my DataGrid set from the view

            ViewGridReference.SelectedIndex = gridItems.Count - 1;
            ViewGridReference.CurrentCell = new DataGridCellInfo(lastItem, ViewGridReference.Columns[0]);

All of this seems to be working as expected: all rows receive blank input and are validated (I use color properties in the cell to which the view binds to signify the validity of the entry).

Unfortunately, though the focus is on the last row as desired, it is not editable and the user cannot submit another "MoveNextColumn" value which would move the program on. The goal here is to minimize any keyboard interaction. Everything should be done with scan guns and barcodes.

Any ideas on how to make the selected cell editable after this code executes? Any "hey, your design sucks" feedback would be cool too. This is new to me and I'm open to constructive criticism.



I have made some progress with this. The entire grid was left at an uneditable state in the code above. This now leaves focus on the last cell in my column and allows me to submit input with the scan gun.

This seems to work, but I'd still appreciate some feedback on whether there is a better way.

private void dummyCell_MoveToNextColumn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
        e.Handled = true;

        // Cell is the model object containing the parsing rules and raising events
        var lSender = sender as Cell;
        var gridItems = ViewGridReference.Items;
        var lastItem = gridItems[gridItems.Count - 1];

        if (lSender == lastItem) {
            // We are at the bottom of the column
            // Move the program on to the next column
        } else {
            // Simulate "empty position" input for this cell and all cells down the column
            // Cells are validating themselves as the simulation progresses

            foreach (Cell item in ViewGridReference.Items) {
                item.ActualItemCode = string.Empty;

            ViewGridReference.SelectedIndex = gridItems.Count - 1;
            ViewGridReference.CurrentCell = new DataGridCellInfo(lastItem, ViewGridReference.Columns[0]);

            (ViewGridReference.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView).EditItem(ViewGridReference.SelectedItem);